Photo Archives
Photo Archives
Release of Bulle Shah Ki Kafian - I
Dated 3rdFeb, 2001
Release of Ek Onkar Part I (Gurbani) by Doctor Karan Singh Dated 5th Aug 1995
Lighting the Lamp for the 4th Album (Bulle Shah Ki Kafian) Dated 3rd Feb 2001
Release of Ek Onkar Part I (Gurbani) by Doctor Karan Singh Dated 5th Aug 1995
Release of Ek Onkar Part I (Gurbani) by Doctor Karan Singh Dated 5th Aug 1995
Release of Ek Onkar Part I (Gurbani) by Doctor Karan Singh Dated 5th Aug 1995
Release of Bulle Shah Ki Kafian - I
Dated 3rdFeb, 2001
Release of Ek Onkar - Volume III
Release of Ek Onkar - Volume III
Our Tweets
- What is life and what is death?
When these basic five elements are present in a body in a balanced state the person is healthy with full of life and when these elements are in an imbalance state a person is unwell and sick. And when these five elements are drastically in an imbalance state The death occurs. - To know thyself and God, peep within daily, atleast for five minutes and you will find your goal oneday.
- The matter can neither be created nor be destroyed,science says. It exists as various forms of energy. Soul never dies but change its form.
- Atma is just like an Atom which exists in the Cosmos. A scientific Approach for soul.
- Mystery of God solved. Truth of life for the welfare of the society. Atma is just like an Atom. It stores all deeds to next life after death.
- Om, Allah and God are the names of the purest Atma. These names are given by the different saints at different times. Atma is God. Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed but changes its form Similarly Atma changes its form after death. Atma is just like an Atom. It stores all deeds to next life after death. It is the truth of life for the welfare of the society.
- युदध एक अभिशाप है और शांति अमृत !यू ट्यूब मे पंडित बेतवा जी की भविष्य वाणी से (भारत पाक युदध ) विश्व युदध के संकेत मिलते हैं जो विश्व व मानवता के लिये शुभ नहीं है । परमाणु युदध होने पर सब कुछ समाप्त हो जाये गा । इस धरती पर जब से जीवन का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ है और अब तक जितनी प्रगति हुई है सब नष्ट हो जाये गी । आने वाली पीढ़ियों को इस के दुष्परिणाम झेलने पड़ें गे ।यह युदध आतंकवाद की समाप्ति के लिये हो रहा है जिस मे मुख्य भूमिका प्रधान मंत्री नवाज़ शरीफ़ जी की है । मै उन से गुज़ारिश करूँ गी कि अपनी ज़िद छोड़ दें,और विश्व शांति प्रयासों मे अपना योग दान दें इस से उन का नाम रौशन होगा और वह युगों तक याद किये जायेंगे । शायद वो यह नहीं जानते कि उन्हें और हम सब को दोबारा इसी धरती पर जन्म लेना है । यह मालूम नहीं किस रूप मे,देश मे,घर मे और परिवार मे । तब क्यों न इस धरती को ही इतना सुन्दर बना लें जहाँ जीवन सरल, सुगम,शांति पूर्ण और प्रेम मय हो जाये । घृणा ,जलन,नफ़रत और ऊँच नीच के लिये कोई स्थान न हो ।